The breeding of Wachusett Gulbrun Guenhwyvar and Forever Greene Ilamaaq has been successful. We are excited to announce a nice sized litter is expected around 11/20/2022.
We are accepting applications for puppies from this litter. We are always looking for families who will keep a Chinook open for potential breeding once health tests are completed and passed at age 2.
Ilamaaq is a good sized, handsome boy, with a rich, tawny. coat, great substance and a friendly and lovable personality.
Guenhwyvar remains an energetic, cuddly girl who loves children and gets along well with her pack mates, people and cats. She has had one litter, was a wonderful and devoted Mother and produced substantial puppies with excellent temperaments.

OFA Good
PennHip: RDI 0.26, LDI 0.25
CAER Eyes: Normal
MDR1: Clear
Dwarfism: Clear

OFA: Fair
CAER Eyes: Normal
MDR1: Clear
Dwarfism: Clear
Chinooks are a rare breed of New England sled dog, who is making a come-back from the throws of near extinction in the early 1980’s. The breed relies on the support of it’s owner, who will keep a dog intact or raise a litter, to further advance the Chinook in numbers and genetic health. If you are interested in this adventure, please contact me for any questions and information.